About MK Mauryavanshi

Hi, I am MK Mauryavanshi.

I have come into this Universe to bring a positive change to 10000000 lives across the World.

I really appreciate that you are here and our relationship will be a never-ending one.

Your time is precious to me and I truly respect the fact that you are here.

So, I will quickly take you through my life journey.

Early Life

I born in Kolkata, India earlier named Calcutta. Belonging to a lower-middle-class family, I witnessed all the hardships that many of you must have gone through. I could only go to the Government school for my primary and secondary education. And then went to Ram Lal Anand College (DU). Being average in studies, I always thought of doing something which does not require me to be a scholar.

How I Supported My Education

I started supporting myself financially while doing my graduation by giving tuition and many of you must have also done it. I did not have any plan to pursue my PG because I was knowing the financials of my family. My father had the will to send me for my MBA but not the money.

I spent some of the summer vacations working in a factory or some offices during my higher secondary and graduation.

I always had this thought since my school days that when I would be 25 then I will have a lot of money, a good house and a relaxed life. But nothing turned out real neither had a lot of money nor a good house except I was 25 🙂

Start of Career

I finally started my career just after my graduation with a BPO and went on to become a trainer within a very short span.

It’s been more than 11 years, I have been in training and have served many big brands like Vodafone, Jabong.com, SBS, Serco, ienergizer and Syrex etc.

Thank You!!!

MK Mauryavanshi